It's been about 5 1/2 months since my female human rescued a 24-year old bay Quarter Horse gelding, "General". Although he still needs to fatten up some, he's come a long way from the filthy bag of bones he was on Dec. 29, 2006. At first, my human jokingly called him "McRib", but it was serious stuff to start feeding this guy right without killing him. From 2 scoops of senior horse feed a day, with brome hay (a flake at a time), to 16 pounds of feed and all the brome hay he can eat, he's doing a heck of a lot better. General also had to have two molars pulled when the equine vet/dentist came out to float his teeth, once he was strong enough to handle it. He has been microchipped in case of emergency (or theft), and gets brushed out often. My human went to a Pat Parelli clinic with her oldest son and neighbor's son (who is also taking riding lessons). General and my female human are really working well together, and are becoming more bonded with the Level One Parelli lessons. He has even given the youngest human (5 years old) a short bareback ride. General was thrilled to be working again...his ears came up, his eyes brightened, and perhaps he stepped out a little more proudly.
It feels good to be needed...and loved. General has become a beautiful, shiny, happy horse.
Miss Stella
ps-Here are General's "before" and "after" photos, on Dec. 29, 2006 and June 12, 2007.
He's looking so much better! You have a wonderful human!
Great job with the General. Way to go.
Wow! General looks great. We've never seen your blog before. Its really nice.
Our momma likes horses, too. Her last horse died when she was 32 years old (last winter). Momma had her for 27 years of that.
Check out our blog. We plan on keeping up with yours!
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